Příběhy a metodické příručky

Berrie Heesen
Tipper Discovers Statistics

Krátký příběh, ve kterém se na malou chvilku stanete uchem

Tipper, I need to tell you this story. I can’t keep it to myself any longer. I need to tell it to someone, and because you just happen to be around, you’ll have to be the listening ear. Perhaps you’ve never been just an ear before, but you’ll have to make the best of it. Then you’ll know what it’s like to be an ear. You do want to listen to Uncle Berrie, don’t you? Tipper nodded.
What do you think it’s about? I’ll tell you. This time it’s not easy to be an ear. It’s a complicated subject. It’s about something difficult.
It’s about people and especially about all the people there are. What do we know about each other? ...

Dostupnost: pdf http://www.viterbo.edu/analytic/Vol.%2023%20no.%201/Tipper%20Discovers%20statistics.pdf

Klíčová slova: Filozofie pro děti, příběh, lidé


HEESEN, B. Tipper Discovers Statistics. Analytic Teaching, roč. 23 (2003-2004), č. 1, s. 69-71


Autor: Tereza Brožová | vloženo: 1.9.2010



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