Příběhy a metodické příručky

The Teachers Guide to Thinking Changes

Metodický průvodce vedení sokratovského dialogu s dětmi ve věku 12-16 let

The Teachers Guide to Thinking Changes is one of the Guided Socratic Discussion series for teachers, providing a 'step by step' guide in how to implement 'Thinking Changes'. Suitable for 12 -16 year olds,’ Thinking Changes’ follows 'Thinking Adventures' in the GSD series. Through their participation in GSD, students develop: Improved self-image, enlarged horizons, Increased self-esteem, Increased emotional intelligence, Increased IQ scores. As the course progresses students: Learn to welcome different points of view, Learn to understand others, Develop social-intellectual relationships with the community, Learn to share dialogue, Learn share ideas, Learn to collaborate with others, Learn to value the opinions of others. Students develop specific skills: Critical thinking skills, Creative reasoning skills, Moral reasoning skills, Listening skills, Talking skills, Communications skills, Comprehension skills, Concept forming skills, Meta-cognitive skills.

Dostupnost: http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fContentOffset=10&fAcctID=2455381

Klíčová slova: Filosofie pro děti, metodika, sokratovský dialog


McCALL, C. The Teachers Guide to Thinking Changes. EPIC Publishing, 2010. ISBN 978-0-557-52139-5.


Autor: Tereza Brožová | vloženo: 18.9.2011



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