Teorie a výzkum

Pavel Lushyn
Paradoxical Nature of Facilitation in Community of Inquiry

LUSHYN, P. Paradoxical Nature of Facilitation in Community of Inquiry. Aalytic Teaching, roč. 24 (2004-2005), č. 2, s. 110-115

Článek o myšlení, jako vykonávané činnosti a jeho organizaci

Thinking, as well as any other physical or mental function, develops under the r condition of work. It is well known from the eliminatory course of Physics that work is applied to the places of resistance. Consequently, one of the major tasks of the facilitator who develops thinking is to create resistance or difficulty (problem situations or tasks) in the students’ thinking. But not any problem makes a student think without an adequate attitude. The problem related to thinking implies that the individual has to discover something new, relevant to individual or social perspective. Otherwise the task is solved as being reproductive, i.e. a simple replication of the already existing pattern (which is memory, not thinking). Thus, the other condition to form thinking is an exhaustion of a problematic context which demands a certain search for a resisting or stimulating environment: in order to start thinking a student has to be driven to think.

Dostupnost: pdf

Klíčová slova: Myšlení, hledající společenství

Autor: Tereza Brožová | vloženo: 4.8.2010



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