Teorie a výzkum

Monica Velasco A.
Philosophy for Children: An Alternative to Re-signify the Educative Experience

VELASCO, M. A. Philosophy for Children: An Alternative to Re-signify the Educative Experience. Analytic Teaching, roč. 20 (2000-2001), č. 2, s. 105-118

Článek je částí 4. kapitoly Ph.D projektu "Filosofia para NINOS: Una alternativa para re-significar la experiencia educativa" prezentované na Ibero universitě v Mexico City.

Práce je založena především na poznatcích z učitelských deníků pořízených na workshopech pro učitele v P4C Centru v Guadalajaře, v Mexiku, v letech 1993 - 1999.

Some years ago I wrote a paper with some reflections about the meaning of teacher training which was published in this journal.1 That paper was a result of my reflections about the process I experienced as a teacher trainer and also from reflections about the experience of others. That initial work led me to write a research project to compile evidence of the potential of the community of inquiry to facilitate the re-construction of teachers’ experiences and personal transformation. In this article I’m presenting some thoughts about this research and a sample of how I’m trying find connections between the theoretical basis in P4C, the practice in teacher training, and some testimonies of teachers’ views and experience.

Dostupnost: pdf http://www.viterbo.edu/analytic/Vol%2020%20no.%202/philosophy%20for%20children%20an%20alternative.pdf

Klíčová slova: Filozofie pro děti


Autor: Tereza Brožová | vloženo: 11.8.2010



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