Teorie a výzkum

Teaching Philosophy to Children: A New Experience in Iran

MARASHI, S.M. Teaching philosophy to children: A new experience in Iran. Analytic teaching, Vol. 27(2007) No. 1, pp. 12-15.

Článek přibližující výzkumný projekt FPD v Iránu

The program of philosophy for children has been recently introduced in Iran and soon attracted the attention of academic and scientific associations. To investigate the effect of community of inquiry method on developing reasoning skills in children, based on Lipman´s research, an experiment was conducted in Ahwaz Nemooneh Dulaty School. Sixty boy students were randomly selected and assigned to experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught based on community of inquiry method for eleven seventy minute sessions. The results of this semi-experimental study have shown that implementing community of inquiry method has positively affected the reasoning skills of  the experimental group.

Dostupnost: pdf http://www.viterbo.edu/analytic/Vol.27%20no.1/Teaching%20Philosophy.pdf

Klíčová slova: Filozofie pro děti, hledající společenství, výzkum

Autor: Tereza Brožová | vloženo: 21.4.2010 | poslední úpravy: 14.6.2010



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